Bent of the River Audubon Center

Thank You to Our Generous Bent of the River Sponsors

Bobolink. Photo: Sharon Dobben/Audubon Photography Awards

Your annual support is critical to sustaining our local conservation work that birds, other wildlife, and people within our community depend upon. Together, with you, we are providing a safe haven for so many at a time when we all need it most.

Select here if you'd like to learn more and become a Corporate Sponsor

For sponsorship questions, please contact Kate Pratt at or 203-405-9113.

Connecticut Community Foundation Law Office of Lisa Wnuck, LLC
D. Noel Imagery Pediatric Associates of Western Connecticut, LLC
Gager, Bower & Scalzo, LLP Salem Foundation Fund
Giuliano Richardson & Sfara, LLC SPCInk
Haynes Material Wild Birds Unlimited, Brookfield

GIVE LOCAL: Each year in April Bent of the River Audubon Center participates in a 36-hour online giving event, hosted by the Connecticut Community Foundation and sponsored by Ion Bank Foundation, that benefits the vital work of hundreds of nonprofit organizations in our region—including our center and nature sanctuary. Every dollar raised by the Bent during this giving event can be stretched further through bonus funds and prizes donated by Connecticut Community Foundation and their generous sponsors.

Thank you to our supporters for caring about birds, their habitats, and Bent of the River Audubon Center! Please remember us next April and plan to Give Local.

How you can help, right now